C1.C1Excel.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.C1Excel Namespace


C1.C1Excel Namespace | ComponentOne Excel for .NET



Class                    Description

  C1XLBook Represents an Excel workbook containing one or more worksheets.
Contains methods for loading and saving XLS files, and exposes a collection of XLSheet objects that represent the individual worksheets.
  ShapeCollection Represents a collection of XLShape objects on an XLSheet.
  Strings Static class containing UI strings used by the designer.
  XLBorderFormatting The border formatting.
  XLCell Represents individual cells in an XLSheet and provides properties for getting and setting the cell Value, Style, and Hyperlink.
  XLCellRange Represents a range of XLCell objects in an XLSheet.
  XLCellRangeCollection Represents a collection of XLCellRange objects on an XLSheet.
  XLColumn Represents a column in a worksheet. This class provides properties for setting the column's width, style, and visibility.

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