
31 characters

Microsoft Excel does not allow worksheet name longer than 31 characters.



Excel Worksheet Naming Rules and Tips
► A worksheet name cannot cannot exceed 31 characters. ► A worksheet name cannot be left blank. ► A worksheet cannot be named history in either lower or uppercase.



using C1.C1Excel;


namespace Problem


    class Program


        public static void Main(string[] args)


            Problem_2021_10_15 nm = new Problem_2021_10_15();




    class Problem_2021_10_15


        public void running()


            C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            //Microsoft Excel does not allow worksheet name longer than 31 characters.

            XLStyle style = new XLStyle();

            style.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;

            XLCell cell = sheet[1,0];

            //Microsoft Excel does not allow worksheet name longer than 31 characters.




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